Last publications

Last publications

You will find here the last publications made in scientific congress using STICS.

If you wish to communicate a reference of a conference paper using STICS, please contact us.

In this folder

Bellocchi, G. ; Ehrhardt, F. ; Rich, C. ; Nuala, F. ; Matthew, H. ; Mark, L. ; Minet, J. ; Martin, R. ; Moore, A. ; Myrgiotis, V. ; Rolinski, S. ; Ruget, F. ; Snow, V. ; Wang, H. ; Wu, L. ; Ruane, A. ; Soussana, J.-F. Climate-Smart Agriculture: Global Science Conference, Montpellier (FRA). 2015.

Modification date: 21 June 2023 | Publication date: 09 January 2014 | By: Project Stics Team