


  • JavaStics application is licensed under a CeCILL-B license
  • STICS is licensed under a CeCILL-C license


User conditions and disclaimer

By using any tool related to the STICS Crop model you accept that, even if all precautions are taken to ensure the reliability of the current software suite, the STICS project team members and their funding agencies(INRAE, CIRAD, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Gembloux University) disclaim all warranties, whether expressed or implied, about its performance, reliability, simulation accuracy, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. In consequence, they disclaim all responsibility and liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses (data, time, monetary), damages (including direct, indirect and/or incidental damages) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the use of any of the reliable tools to the STICS crop model (code, executable files, R packages) in any way and for any reason. These usage clauses apply to all previous and subsequent versions of the various tools developed by members of the STICS project team, since its creation in 1996. Any other context of use of these tools must be subject to a specific agreement between the parties concerned. January 2024.


After being aware about the above software licenses and use conditions, follow these steps for registering and download software, sources and documentation:

1. Register on the dedicated site, or log in if you already have an account

2. You will receive a confirmation e-mail of your account creation

3. Download files from here after signing in

See also

The forum for STICS users (be aware to log in if you wish to receive an answer)

Modification date: 12 March 2024 | Publication date: 07 May 2008 | By: Project Stics Team