

Who can attend?

The STICS trainings are open to everybody on simple registration.


Several trainings are organized each year following needs and requests. You will be informed of new training dates on the Stics website or by mail if you subscribed to the Stics mailing list.


The training duration is 2 x 2 days. The maximum size of the group is 20 participants. Each training is conducted by 4 to 6 teachers. It has two parts : a theoretical part and a technical part with practical work.

Training session program

Theoretical part

  • STICS overview
  • Soil processes formalisms
  • Crop growth and development
  • STICS Intercrop
  • Specificities of perennial crops and crop rotations
  • Model evaluation and calibration: principles and existing tools
  • R packages for STICS

Practical works

  • JavaSTICS interface
  • Using STICS R packages for simulation, evaluation and calibration
  • Effect of cultural practices, soil and climate on the model outputs
  • Simulation of crop rotations including perennial crop with the STICS model
  • Integration of observed data and example of parameter calibration

For practical works, participants can come with their own data.


The courses are online as webinars.


Trainings are in English. Some trainings can be organized outside France if needed.


There is a charge for the training.

See also

You will find here a link to presentations (in English) of previous trainings.

In this folder

Next online Stics training in March-April 2025