Last publications

Last publications

You will find here the last articles published using STICS.

In this folder

Wallach et al., 2021, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Crepeau M., Jego G., Morissette R., Pattey E., Morrison M.J., 2021, Agronomy Journal
Paleari L., Movedi E., Zoli M., Burato A., Cecconi I., Errahouly J., Pecollo E., Sorvillo C., Confalonieri R., 2021, Ecological Modelling
Beaudoin, N., Venet E., Maucorps J., Vandenberghe C., Pugeaux N., Viennot P., Gourcy L., Brayer C., Machet J. M., Couturier A., Billy C., Vigour N., Hulin G., Dorel G., Mary B., 2021, Science of the Total Environment
Duchene O., Dumont B., Cattani D. J., Fagnant L., Schlautman B., DeHaan L. R., Barriball S., Jungers J. M., Picasso V. D., David C., Celette F., 2021, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Launay C., Constantin J., Chlebowski F., Houot S., Graux A.-I., Klumpp K., Martin R., Mary B., Pellerin S., Therond O., 2021, Global Change Biology
Azmat, M., F. Ilyas, A. Sarwar, C. Huggel, S. A. Vaghe, T. Hui, M. U. Qamar, M. Bilal and Z. Ahmed, 2021, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Yang, C. Y., C. Menz, H. Fraga, S. Reis, N. Machado, A. C. Malheiro and J. A. Santos, 2021, Agronomy
  • 1 (current)

Modification date: 21 June 2023 | Publication date: 09 January 2014 | By: Project Stics Team