Project Stics Team

Project Stics Team

The coordination of the project is assumed by the Project Stics Team.

The Project Stics Team coordinates actions on the development of the Stics model. It is constituted by referenced person about the model due to their competences in the soil-crop-atmosphere system functioning or in informatics or statistics.

It is organized in two poles : the scientific pole and the computer pole.

It performs resource and scientific validation functions with respect to selecting formalizations for and parameterizing the standard version. It facilitates collaborations among users and participates in the development of study versions used to address new themes. It maintains the standard version (for autonomous use) and the modularized version (for coupling with platforms). It manages contacts with users and organizes orientation sessions. It provides logistical and scientific support for the organization of seminars. 

Team composition:


 Jean-Louis Durand, INRAE UR P3F; scientific pole

Jean-Louis Durand

Samuel Buis , INRAE Emmah ; pôle informatique 

Samuel Buis


Assistant coordinators

Julie Constantin, IN RAE -Ensat UMR AGIR; scientific pole

Julie Constantin

Fabien Ferchaud, INRAE UMR transfrontalière BioEcoAgro;  scientific pole

Fabien Ferchaud

Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri, I NRAE US AgroClim; scientific pole

Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri

Isabelle Le Mouëllic, INR AE US AgroClim; secretariat

Isabelle Le Mouëllic


Scientific pole members

Marie-Odile Bancal, IN RAE UMR ECOSYS

Marie-odile Bancal

Hugues Clivot, URCA UMR FARE

Hugues Clivot

Didier Combes, INR AE URP 3F

Didier Combes

Benjamin DumontFaculté de Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech

Benjamin Dumont

Gatien Falconnier, Cirad UPR Aida


Anne-Isabelle Graux, IN RAE UMR Pegase


Guillaume Jégo, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada

Guillaume Jégo

Eric Justes, Cirad-UMR SYSTEM

Eric Justes

Marie Launay, IN RAE US AgroClim

Marie Launay

Christine Le Bas, INRAE  US InfoSol

Christine Le Bas

Joël Leonard, INRAE UMR transfrontalière BioEcoAgro

Joël Leonard

Florent Levavasseur, INRA E UMR ECOSYS

Florent Levavasseur

Gaetan Louarn, INR AE URP 3F


Alain Mollier, IN R AE UMR ISPA 

Alain Mollier

Loïc Strullu, indépendant





Computer pole members

Eric Casellas, INR AE UR MIAT


Cyril Gandon, INR AE US AgroClim


Patrice Lecharpentier, IN RAE US AgroClim


Hélène Raynal, INRAE UMR AGIR

hélène Raynal

Dominique Ripoche-Wachter, INRA E US AgroClim

And our emeritus members :

Nadine Brisson of course but also Bruno MaryNicolas BeaudoinFrançoise RugetPatrick BertuzziFrançois AffholderMartine Guerif and Jean-Claude Poupa.