new JavaStics version

A new JavaStics software version is available

The latest software distribution of JavaStics 1.5.2 and STICS 10.1.1 is downloadable

The latest software distribution of JavaStics 1.5.2 (CeCILL-B license) and STICS 10.1.1 (CeCILL-C license) is available and compatible with the previous one. The archive and the STICS source files as well, are downloadable from here.

This JavaStics distribution is compatible with the previous one using STICS 10.0.0 and thus uses the same files formats.

  • STICS version has been improved on a few points
    • essentially on technical aspects for more stability and reliability
    • some functionalities have been added, such as generating multiple variables soil profile files
  • JavaSTICS has evolved too
    • update of java to version 17
    • soil variables selection for generating multiple soil temporal profiles files

The full changes list is given in the Changes.pdf file (doc directory).

Formalisms and model use are fully described in the Stics book available here and on the Editions QUAE platform.